Dogwalker vs Jaywalker who will win?
Dogwalker stands for someone, man or woman, who walk with the dog usually outside the house, such as the park, street, garden. He or she may walk the dog for difference purpose, some may want to breath fresh air, some may want to exercise, some want the dog to shit outside, some may waht to meet other people who walk the dogs too, there are many couple that meet each other while walking with their dogs. However, dog is animal who sometime have fighting nature, while get outside dog may run after the bird, fight the cat, barks at other dogs, etc. So the dogwalker require some skill to control the dog.
Jaywalker stands for someone who walk across the street where or when it is not supposed to walk there. Usually called someone who walk cross the street outside the crosswalk area. Many of the jaywalker may walk the dog at the same time. But the weak point of jaywalking is, it is prone to street accident. From the statistic of 2001-2010 in USA, the rate is as high as 1.58 per 100,000 population. However, some Jaywalker who have asian assend may trained well in ninjutsu have good dodging skill and can dodge car easily.
If Dogwalker vs Jaywalker fight who will win? Most likely a dogwalker as the Jaywalker is usually alone so there's 2 versus 1 fight. However, Jaywalker who have some skill such as Karate or Kickboxing may stands some chance of beating Dogwalker.
See also
- List of Specific review available
- Theorotical Question : Why dog have 4 legs?